Michael Ryan Lewis
I Design, Digitally

I am a Graphic Designer born and raised in Santa Cruz, California. I graduated from Seattle Pacific University with a Bachelor’s of Arts in Visual Communications (Graphic Design) I am passionate about typography, brand design, and creating in general.

I have a deep love of popular culture. Things like retro and indie video games, animated films like Guillermo del Torro’s Pinnochio or the Spiderverse series, watching anime, and reading graphic novels are all things that I enjoy and love to share with those around me.

Comfort Creeps is a sticker brand project that aims to help young adults know that they are not alone and their experiences are seen and heard. The need was to create a design that would bring a sense of community and belonging to mental health issues.

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Brand Design

02 Album Cover Design 

This project was one of the many typography projects I did during one of my design classes in my Junior Year at SPU.

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03 DaVinci’s Instagram

The idea for this project was to create the instagram for a famous figure and to use the page as a marketing piece that advertises a historical moment in this famous persons life. Like, where I have a call-to-action to “Join Us” on the day where DaVinci tested his first flying machine.  

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Brand Design

04 Seattle Architecture Postcards
A series of postcards that are meant to be for an imaginary pop-up art exhibit focusing on the architectural design of several buildings in the Seattle area.

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05 Print Making

Four Screen-Printed pieces I made in a Print Making class during my time in college

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Screen Printing

06 Sahalee Water 

This was a fun brand design exercise where I  sought out to solve a problem that I don’t see many other brands aiming to solve. For me, it was to solve the plastic water bottle issue that pollutes our oceans.

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Brand Design
Adobe Dimention

07 Cascade 20201-2022 Yearbook

Cascade was one of the projects that felt more true to how I work as a collaborator; making sure that I am communicating with my co-designer and the rest of my team.

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Editorial Design

08 Animal Logomark

This project was a fun one. The brief asked to think of a word that best represents my family heritage, I chose Hospitality as my word. The second part was to think of an animal that would best fit the chosen word and I chose a bear, mostly because of the protective nature of my family heritage.

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Logo Design

I gave you a little friend to  take with you  on your journey ---->